Monday, April 19, 2010

Introduction to Outdoor Recreation

Outdoor Recreation

Recreation has started as sports even before Malaysia become Independent and recreation movement are being promoted aggressively in the year 1980s. This is a result of the "National Sports Policy" formulated by the ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS).

Among the main objectives of the National Sports Policy are the promotions of mass participation in order to identify talents for sporting excellence as well as to promote healthy and active lifestyle for all Malaysia through "SUKAN UNTUK SEMUA" and "MALAYSIA CERGAS" campaign.

The establishment of voluntary organization in the field of outdoor recreation and their umbrella body the Malaysia Physical Recreation Council (MARFIMA) in 1980's by KBS.

Recreation activities is wide, but those which are being promoted by the KBS mainly concerned with outdoor such as mountaineering camping, hiking canoeing and as well as fitness activities such as aerobics.

In 1994, KBS with the idea and initiative of the its Minister Dato' Abdul Ghani Othman introduced RAKAN MUDA program for the youth of which the highest response was the Gaya Hidup "RAKAN REKREASI".

In 1996, the "MALAYSIA CERGAS" programmed was reintroduced to promote healthy lifestyles among the Malaysian.