Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Introduction to Abseiling


In British English, abseiling from (a German abseilen, "to rope down") is the process of descending on a fixed rope.It is also known as: rappelling, rapping (American slang), roping down, roping, sailing or jumping (Australian slang).
Abseiling is the technique of sliding down a rope at safe speed. During the descent the application of controlled friction determines the speed of descent.
Controlling the friction on the rope can be done in two ways:
  • Using the body wrap method
  • Using one of the many mechanical friction devices such as Figure eight descender (the much safer way).

Introduction to Orienteering


Orienteering is a competitive form of land navigation. It is for all ages and degrees of fitness and skill. It provides the suspense and excitement of a treasure hunt.
Orienteering is a sport which orienteers use an accurate, detailed map and compass to find points in the landscape. It can be enjoyed as a walk in the woods or as a competitive sport.

Several Forms of Orienteering Events:
  • Line orienteering
  • Cross-country orienteering
  • Score Orienteering
  • Relay Orienteering
  • Street Orienteering
  • Mountain Orienteering
Equipment of Orienteering:
  • Orienteering Map
  • Orienteering Compass
  • Control Flag/Marker
  • Punches
  • Control Card
  • Control Description
  • Whistle
  • Red Pen


Throughout this Outdoor Recreation course I've learned lots of different types of knotting (ikatan). Knotting which mainly used in our entire camp (Intro Camp & Final Camp)such as to set up campsite and activities.

List of Knot:
  • Sheet Bend (Bunga Keti)
  • Bowline (Tindih Kasih)
  • Fisherman's Knot - Single, Double, Triple
  • Overhand Knot/Thumb Knot
  • Clove Hitch (Manok)
  • Prusik Knot
  • Figure of Eight Knot
  • Double Figure of Eight - Single Loop
  • Double Figure of Eight - Double Loop
  • Double Figure of Eight - Follow through
  • Reef Knot (Buku Sila)

Monday, April 19, 2010

First Aid

First aid is temporary given promptly to casualties at the spot of accident using whatever material is available at that moment before sending them to the hospital.

General Rules on First Aid treatment
  • Give 1st aid treatment to injury that is most serious first and do so quickly. Keep cool and calm. Do not panic.
  • Give artificial respiration if not breathing. Every second count.
  • Stop bleeding if any.
  • Prevent from shock.
  • Do not attempt too much. Do the minimum that is necessary to save life and prevent the condition from worsening.
  • Reassure the casualty. This would help lessen anxiety.
  • Do not remove clothing unnecessarily. Just loosen tight clothing around neck, chest and waist.
  • Avoid crowding around the casualty. Allow plenty of fresh air.
  • Arrange for transport and take casualty to hospital as quickly as possible.
  • Take down name and address of casualty. Inform police if necessary.
  • Stand-by and assist the police and doctor if necessary.
Essential First Aid equipment for Outdoor activity

When accident occurs time is not always on our side. A well stocked and functional first aid kit, preparation ad skills are the most important tools during the situation. Lets look on what is the most important item that is essential for your first aid kit.
  • Sterile adhesive bandage in assorted sizes
  • Sterile gauze pads in assorted sizes.
  • Hypoallergenic adhesive tape.
  • Scissors.
  • Tweezers.
  • Creep bandage
  • Triangular bandage.
  • Antiseptic (cream or liquid)
  • Thermometer.
  • Assorted size of safety pins.
  • Latex glove.
  • Aspirin and Paracetamol.
  • Iodine.
  • Cotton.
  • Eyewash.



A 'Tent' is a shelter, consisting of sheets of fabric or other material draped over or attached to a frame of poles and/or ropes. Some tent styles are free-standing, while others are attached to the ground using guy ropes tied to stakes (pegs). Tents were first used as portable homes by nomadic peoples, but today, their main application is for recreational camping. Modern tents are usually made of fire-retardant material. Tents range in size from those barely large enough for one person to sleep in up to huge (circus) tents capable of seating thousands of people. The bulk of this article concerned with recreational camping using tents capable of sleeping from 1 up to about 10 people.

Tents for recreational camping are generally transportable by car. Depending on tent size and the experience of the person or people involved, such tents usually be assembled (pitched) in between 5 to 25 minutes; dis assembly (striking) takes a similar length of time (some very specialized tent have spring-loaded poles can be 'pitched' in 2 seconds, but take somewhat longer to strike). Smaller tents may be sufficiently light that they can be carried for long distances on a person's back, or on a touring bicycle, a boat or even a pack animal.

Tents can be improvised using waterproof fabric, string, and sticks. This allows them to be easily built and moved.

Introduction to Outdoor Recreation

Outdoor Recreation

Recreation has started as sports even before Malaysia become Independent and recreation movement are being promoted aggressively in the year 1980s. This is a result of the "National Sports Policy" formulated by the ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS).

Among the main objectives of the National Sports Policy are the promotions of mass participation in order to identify talents for sporting excellence as well as to promote healthy and active lifestyle for all Malaysia through "SUKAN UNTUK SEMUA" and "MALAYSIA CERGAS" campaign.

The establishment of voluntary organization in the field of outdoor recreation and their umbrella body the Malaysia Physical Recreation Council (MARFIMA) in 1980's by KBS.

Recreation activities is wide, but those which are being promoted by the KBS mainly concerned with outdoor such as mountaineering camping, hiking canoeing and as well as fitness activities such as aerobics.

In 1994, KBS with the idea and initiative of the its Minister Dato' Abdul Ghani Othman introduced RAKAN MUDA program for the youth of which the highest response was the Gaya Hidup "RAKAN REKREASI".

In 1996, the "MALAYSIA CERGAS" programmed was reintroduced to promote healthy lifestyles among the Malaysian.